Calm Reflex has turned 20 year's young!
To celebrate this important milestone throughout November and December there will be 20 days of special offers, information, competitions and much more ........
The founder, Lisa A Burfitt, of Calm Reflex muses on her path to building her business.
"I have known all my life that I was different that I held an inner knowing, a wisdom if you will, in order to see through the falsehoods and know the truth - however it has been a bit of a tough journey through childhood with many long hours of despair. I knew I could relate to people on a deeper level, a level they didn't understand themselves, however I reacted to this deeper level and had many challenges to live through until I could understand that they did not see it, would not see it and could not see it for themselves. The sleepers - asleep to their soul's path not knowing the truth about who they really are.
Unfortunately my own light was dimmed as I became disillusioned and despairing as my soul knew it was my life's mission to help these people but I could not understand how I could possibly do this. On top of this I had many physical challenges to overcome having all my senses compromised in some way - meaning I lost a lot of time off school and was labelled as stupid.
When I left school I went onto College - my premise was that I did okay at English - let's become a secretary! Oh my goodness, challenging times ahead - I got through college and became a secretary - I hated it though I pretended it was okay and I did have some money!
At that time my only friends were ones that I had sought through being extra nice in the hope that they would like me! This worked to a degree but I also attracted the type of people who were after a Victim (I had a big V tattooed on my forehead). It wasn't all doom and gloom though I did meet some nice people though they were only half awake.
A turning point came when I was made to do Yoga - this further awakened me spiritually and my light started to shine a little brighter.
Another turning point came when I decided I had had enough of doing something I hated and trained to become a Reflexologist - I loved it and for the first time in my life had discovered something that I had a natural talent for.
I could literally sense the unbalanced reflex point before I had barely touched the foot! It was after I started tai chi that I started to see the outer rim of the aura - an amazing experience - I was shopping in a supermarket and suddenly I could see a white glow around everybody and then I started to see energy forms literally flying around catching glimpses of faces.
I also started to sense energy shifts in my work (where people told me that they had felt a bolt of energy go from their foot up to the area of body that I was helping), I once had cold air coming out of my hands and then I started to become aware of my empathic abilities - I would be treating a lady for a bad back and then I would literally absorb the pain myself.
It was after quite a lot of spiritual experiences like this that I decided I needed to learn more, in particular about protection. No book I had ever read on Reflexology mentioned the possibility of absorbing other people's pains however this was happening to me.
I therefore trained in Reiki part 1 and this explained some things to me about what was happening however I decided that Reiki was not for me and completed an aura energy course and chakra balancing course - I had always been interested in working with the chakras through my many years of yoga practice. I started to incorporate this healing into my work and found that I could work with the energy in order to help my clients - literally drawing out their pain and, unlike before, I could now be aware of their pain but not absorb it as I was learning to protect my energy. I also gained awareness of spiritual support while working.
I was also working on releasing my own blockages and limitations. At around this time I got married and started a family and decided that baby massage would be a fantastic way to incorporate motherhood and my business so I trained and became an IAIM Instructor. I also had another pivotol point in my career when I started to look around for a room to hire in order to build my business further and found the healing sanctuary that is the Birmingham Holistic Health Centre, at last I had found some people who were awake, were part of my tribe and understood me - it was massive for me. I started a mediumship course (which I still attend) and made friends with some more awake people, who like me, were having similar experiences. I also did a shamanic workshop exploring my shamanic side. I went on to do my training in elemental space clearing which I finished a month ago and understand how energy can impact a space working with spirit guides to help clear dense energy and incorporate new energy, I went onto develop Sacred Divinity Sprays as I had been producing flower essences through the Space Clearing course and I discovered that it is possible to channel a certain essence say peace into the spray and have started to tailor-make these for people just by linking in with their soul and working with my spirit guides we can determine the perfect spray for them. I absolutely love my work.
My passions, my hopes and my dreams are to build a bigger and better business helping to shine my light onto other's lives enhancing them and assisting them to find answers to their many challenges as they walk along this path of life - helping to release their many limitations so that they can spread their wings and fly.
Earth with her density is still a beautiful planet and we need to be able to feel, touch, sense and know in order to move forwards into a golden age of love, happiness and joy."
Calm Reflex offers Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Baby Massage Classes and sells tailor-made Sacred Divinity Sprays. Additionally in 2018 will be offering Elemental Space Clearing please call 07539 062 031,
The founder, Lisa A Burfitt, of Calm Reflex muses on her path to building her business.
"I have known all my life that I was different that I held an inner knowing, a wisdom if you will, in order to see through the falsehoods and know the truth - however it has been a bit of a tough journey through childhood with many long hours of despair. I knew I could relate to people on a deeper level, a level they didn't understand themselves, however I reacted to this deeper level and had many challenges to live through until I could understand that they did not see it, would not see it and could not see it for themselves. The sleepers - asleep to their soul's path not knowing the truth about who they really are.
Unfortunately my own light was dimmed as I became disillusioned and despairing as my soul knew it was my life's mission to help these people but I could not understand how I could possibly do this. On top of this I had many physical challenges to overcome having all my senses compromised in some way - meaning I lost a lot of time off school and was labelled as stupid.
When I left school I went onto College - my premise was that I did okay at English - let's become a secretary! Oh my goodness, challenging times ahead - I got through college and became a secretary - I hated it though I pretended it was okay and I did have some money!
At that time my only friends were ones that I had sought through being extra nice in the hope that they would like me! This worked to a degree but I also attracted the type of people who were after a Victim (I had a big V tattooed on my forehead). It wasn't all doom and gloom though I did meet some nice people though they were only half awake.
A turning point came when I was made to do Yoga - this further awakened me spiritually and my light started to shine a little brighter.
Another turning point came when I decided I had had enough of doing something I hated and trained to become a Reflexologist - I loved it and for the first time in my life had discovered something that I had a natural talent for.
I could literally sense the unbalanced reflex point before I had barely touched the foot! It was after I started tai chi that I started to see the outer rim of the aura - an amazing experience - I was shopping in a supermarket and suddenly I could see a white glow around everybody and then I started to see energy forms literally flying around catching glimpses of faces.
I also started to sense energy shifts in my work (where people told me that they had felt a bolt of energy go from their foot up to the area of body that I was helping), I once had cold air coming out of my hands and then I started to become aware of my empathic abilities - I would be treating a lady for a bad back and then I would literally absorb the pain myself.
It was after quite a lot of spiritual experiences like this that I decided I needed to learn more, in particular about protection. No book I had ever read on Reflexology mentioned the possibility of absorbing other people's pains however this was happening to me.
I therefore trained in Reiki part 1 and this explained some things to me about what was happening however I decided that Reiki was not for me and completed an aura energy course and chakra balancing course - I had always been interested in working with the chakras through my many years of yoga practice. I started to incorporate this healing into my work and found that I could work with the energy in order to help my clients - literally drawing out their pain and, unlike before, I could now be aware of their pain but not absorb it as I was learning to protect my energy. I also gained awareness of spiritual support while working.
I was also working on releasing my own blockages and limitations. At around this time I got married and started a family and decided that baby massage would be a fantastic way to incorporate motherhood and my business so I trained and became an IAIM Instructor. I also had another pivotol point in my career when I started to look around for a room to hire in order to build my business further and found the healing sanctuary that is the Birmingham Holistic Health Centre, at last I had found some people who were awake, were part of my tribe and understood me - it was massive for me. I started a mediumship course (which I still attend) and made friends with some more awake people, who like me, were having similar experiences. I also did a shamanic workshop exploring my shamanic side. I went on to do my training in elemental space clearing which I finished a month ago and understand how energy can impact a space working with spirit guides to help clear dense energy and incorporate new energy, I went onto develop Sacred Divinity Sprays as I had been producing flower essences through the Space Clearing course and I discovered that it is possible to channel a certain essence say peace into the spray and have started to tailor-make these for people just by linking in with their soul and working with my spirit guides we can determine the perfect spray for them. I absolutely love my work.
My passions, my hopes and my dreams are to build a bigger and better business helping to shine my light onto other's lives enhancing them and assisting them to find answers to their many challenges as they walk along this path of life - helping to release their many limitations so that they can spread their wings and fly.
Earth with her density is still a beautiful planet and we need to be able to feel, touch, sense and know in order to move forwards into a golden age of love, happiness and joy."
Calm Reflex offers Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Baby Massage Classes and sells tailor-made Sacred Divinity Sprays. Additionally in 2018 will be offering Elemental Space Clearing please call 07539 062 031,
or for more information.
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